Friday, November 14, 2008

Lordy lordy!

I love being the only adult at work-not! Seriously, the drama with women there astounds me. They feed off of it. And when it has died down, someone has to stir up more. It is like they can't live without it, I just shake my head. I remember all to well now why I just loved high school-yeah right. If they aren't being catty, then they are talking about people behind their backs. They are judgemental and ignorant, and best of all, friends to your face one day, then the next you are sitting there thinking, hello bitch, what did I ever do to you? And then you remember, oh that's right, I reminded you to do your job, slacker! If that offended you, suck it up cupcake! Thankfully in a few weeks one of my coworkers is going on vacation-SEE YA! That will make the place so much happier. I mean all she has done for a month or more now is complain about work, the people there, her customers, and she walks around with a chip on her shoulder and the most miserable look on her face. She really drags the mood down.

There is one other I don't care for too. Her deal is quite simple. She will sit and chat with the rest about those not present, and then when said person is around she sits there and complains that everyone EXCEPT her gossips. Now let's be real, everyone in the world is guilty of gossip-it is a fact of life. DOn't be stupid enough to pretend you are innocent, hello see through. That drives me nuts. And she will sit and point fingers at any one but herself.

Then we have a doorman who all of us have discussed, and come to the conclusion he is a liar and total bullshitter. Now he and I have had very few conversations the last few weeks, becaus ehe gets on my nerves. But the few we have had we have mutually discussed our workplace and the people in it. He has made some accusations and opinionated statements. Funny thing is I am now being confronted by others. See he has gone and talked to someone else, but instead of admitting he himself said those tings, he is putting his words in my mouth.

Nice eh? Not really. But I am not the type to sit there and explain myself to anyone, I would had I done something wrong, I would admit to it. But if I have done ntohing, what is there to explain or discuss? If I am not guilty why defend myself or my actions? Don't you love what I get to work with? The place is a joke in all honesty. If I didn't make as much cash as I do there...which they don't know how much I make, they can't expect me to be honest about that, it isn't anyone's business. I tip out fairly to the doormen, that is all they need to know. But I do make very good money there.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Things to do at Walmart

Things to do at Wal-Mart while your spouse/partner is taking their sweet time:

1.. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in peoples carts when they aren't looking.

2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals

3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms

4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3' in housewares ..... and see what happens

5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on layaway

6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area

7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department

8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'

9. Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and pick your nose

10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti- depressants are.

11. Dart around the store suspiciously, loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.

12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels

13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME!"

14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"

( And; last, but not least!)

15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and then, yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good grief

Well Thanksgiving was a success-man, I am a goooooood cook! The turkey turned out perfect, absolutely perfect. So did everything else, but well know that even if everything else is perfect, if the turkey isn't the meal is ruined. I had alot of fun however tiring that day.
The girl at work that I couldn't stand for weeks is no longer an ogre-actually we get along really well now which works for me seeing as we work 3 shifts in a row together now.
I am starting to get ready for my daughter's first birthday in a few short weeks, and Christmas too. So much to do so little time-it sneaks up and kicks me in the ass every year.
Oh and the other new thing-I have started taking vitamins. I figure what can it hurt, and I think I need them. With as tired and run down as you get working the shifts that I do, any help is welcome. A multi women's 1 a day and an Omega 3-6-9

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My goodness

How is it October 1st already??? My life is flying by so fast right now, and I am too tired to keep up! So much has happened the last few weeks. Hmmm where to start?

I got a new car!!! Well, new to me is a 2000 VW Passat Wagon. It is silver and power everything-major downfall is it is a standard. So guess what I am learning-yup, patience. I am not good at it. Patience OR driving stick. But hey, it's wheels right, freedom.

Austin and I are sick. Chesty head cold-ish bug. Work is going...I have had a few problems in that area of my life. I can't stand one girl I work with-like to the point where I would LOVE to run her down with my car. And I got into a nasty battle with a customer who threatened me because he was drunk and not getting his own way. The guy was stopped by police after leaving the bar because we saw he had a weapon, turns out the guy was arrested cause he also have cocaine and e and lots of other crap in his car-like well in to the thousands worth. So possesion with intent to sell and possesion of an illegal weapon are probably what he is facing-bet ya he just loves me! So when you are not liking your job anymore, makes it hard to get up and go. To spend 8 hours of your night that you could use sleeping, absolutely miserable is no fun at all.

What else is new? We are starting to look around for places to take a vacation in the spring-that is our Christmas present to each other this year. I am starting to plan for my daughter's first birthday, exactly 1 months and 8 days from today.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Girls Night Out!

We went out last night and had a blast! Two of our girlfriends couldn't come but we had fun anyways. It felt so great letting my hair down and just being a girl. A celebration to be sure. Of course Ashley and I do not need much alcohol...although.....TUBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were drinking shots of Swedish Berries in tubie/vile/test tube things all of course her double Malibu and Orange and my daquiris and long islands. I have not been drunk in years, I haven't actually drank hardly anything in years. That felt great! I was laughing at everything, and knew when to stop before the room started to spin.

I must stop my rambling now to tell you about BJ-or at least that is what I named him. He was this guy with uber long super curly back ing the day hair who rocked it out stomping his foot worse than Stompin' Tom and bobbing his head like a rock star on speed...I have never seen anything like it. That was entertainment!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ding Ding Avon Calling

Yay my Avon order arrived yesterday! I bought my friend Cynthia-who also lives upstairs-a gift from Avon as a thank you for all her help this summer. SHe has babysat last minute, played with my kids, chatted with me when Luis has stressed me out, and been there for me when I have jsut been at the end of my rapidly fraying rope. Not to mention loaned me her precious PT Cruiser when I have needed it. So I know she loves Avon and I wanted to show her that for all she does, she is appreciated. Good friends are so hard to find these days. It sucks that she has had to go back to work, after a fun summer off thanks to 'lady surgery', and I miss are morning walks to Timmies more than I thought I would.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Work sucked

Sunday night was...hmmmm...interesting. So I made crap money. But the reason is interesting. The ceiling sprung a leak. Keep in mind this building is 3 stories, and over 100 years old. So they went up to the second floor and sure enough in the office up there, water was running down the walls. SO they went up to the third floor, but nothing. So it had to be coming from the floor of floor 3/ceiling of floor 2.
We put the buckets out and figured no biggie they can call a plumber in the morning. Wrong! Next the fire alarm goes off. But there was no fire. They reset it after half an hour of sufferage and lost customers. Two dancers left and went home-2 out of 4. The night carried on. THen the alarm goes off again. After another thorough check, I inform them it is my opinion then the leak is hitting the wiring for the alarm and it is shorting it and tripping it. YOu try telling a group of men something like that-I got blank stares and 'uh-huh'.
The night carries on. I was down to 1 dancer and noooo customers-welcome to 8pm. 6 and 1/2 more hours to go. Midnight-the alarm goes off, this time the fire department comes. Says they agree with my diagnosis, turn the damn thing off and do hourly fire checks till morning.
NO customers came back the rest of the night. The last dancer left. Michelle and I got to sit there and watch our toe nails grow!