Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Lots of stuff going on in my world lately. My baby boy now sleeps on the bottom bunk and Austin on the top-yup, we got them bukbeds, and they couldn't be happier. Gabrielle is a fulltime crawler and sitter who gets all over the house on her own now-I have even lost her a few times, her fav place to hang is UNDER the bunkbeds!
Luis and I are doing well, we still have our spats, but we are over it before bedtime-we never go to bed angry or apart. I am getting out and walking every morning with my nieghbour Cynthia which is great for me and the kids. My bestest bud is coming to town on Saturday and I am DYING for Saturday to come, it just isn't coming fast enough! Our home is getting in shape too, I am no longer being a pack rat and am purging all my junk I have collected over the years. I sound so old, 'over the years'. You'd never know I am only 23. My hair is no longer blonde, I went back to dark dark dark. It suits me better now, and Luis loves it, so that's all that matters-he has to look at it, not me, lol.
My sewing is a hit, I have my webstore up now, I am very proud of myself. I have secured a table at two craft shows this fall so let's hope I sell lots and make some extra cash. I want to go to Niagra Falls for my birthday so I am going to put the money towards that. I have never seen the Falls.
I really should be in my kitchen right now. I am going to go through my cupboards and purge I have decided-that will be my big job today. Luis has to work late this week so I need tokeep busy. I still miss him like we are a new couple. He is my best friend, my partner in crime, so it sucks not having him around as much. But the money he is making is nice, it will be put toward debt, our wedding, and maybe a trip to Ontario Place with the kiddos.
Well my friends, I must sign off for the day. Or at least for now. Time to get to work in the ktichen while Hunter is asleep and outta my hair! He is so much like his daddy it's not funny.

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