Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good grief

Well Thanksgiving was a success-man, I am a goooooood cook! The turkey turned out perfect, absolutely perfect. So did everything else, but well know that even if everything else is perfect, if the turkey isn't the meal is ruined. I had alot of fun however tiring that day.
The girl at work that I couldn't stand for weeks is no longer an ogre-actually we get along really well now which works for me seeing as we work 3 shifts in a row together now.
I am starting to get ready for my daughter's first birthday in a few short weeks, and Christmas too. So much to do so little time-it sneaks up and kicks me in the ass every year.
Oh and the other new thing-I have started taking vitamins. I figure what can it hurt, and I think I need them. With as tired and run down as you get working the shifts that I do, any help is welcome. A multi women's 1 a day and an Omega 3-6-9

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