Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jon and Kate Plus 8

I am disgusted! While on a message board that I love today, I found a link to this woman's blog. She sits there and is 'Aunt Jodi's' sister, and goes on and on to bash Jon and Kate and their parenting in EVERY post. That is loathable. She must have a lot of time on her hands and no life of her own.
To Jodi: if you don't like them or approve of them, stop looking after their kids, stop talking about them, stop talking TO them!

To the bitch writing the blog: grow up! No parent is perfect. I would like to see YOU in their shoes! Walk a mile sister. Actually better yet, take a hike. You seem to be willing to tear some one else down, tear them apart. You are mean and bitter, you don't just sound that way, you obviously are that way. You say you care about the well being of all 8 kids...if you did care, you would not write things that will hurt them, seeing as they will read all you write one day, and their family. You 'sisters' need to leave Jon and Kate alone, go live your own lives. How pathetic are you?


angelgirl1078 said...

Do you happen to have the link? I'm obsessed with that show. Let me tell you,I have no clue how she does it. All I have is a set of twins and I want to bash my head agaisnt the wall at least ten times a day. I am truly in awe of her. Shame on anyone who would bash them. Even if they don't agree with things they do,no need to post something publicly!

angelgirl1078 said...

Oh,duh. I see you linked it!