Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Big Boy Bed

So it happened.
Yesterday Luis spent the day re decorating our boys' room. Austin is in a twin and Hunter had his crib in there, they had their dresser and ALL their toys. But we hadn't really done anything with their room yet. So Luis painted the bottom third of the wall this awesome shade of blue I picked out and we put up a nice sprt themed border. I got new bedding for Austin all sporty, and we got them a clock and some pictures. Now we had been tossing around the idea of when to get Hunter in a big boy bed. Yesterday I decided was THE day. So I demo'd his crib.
Now here I shall inform everyone just how heartbroken poor Luis was. See I have been through this, with Austin, months and months of bed training with him. This is Luis' first time. It was too sweet how sentimental he got. And I figured since Austin is gone till Thursday this is the perfect time to start the process.
Last night I put Hunter to bed in Austin's bed, seeing as it is familiar and I put a Fisher Price rail up for safety. He got right out and knocked on his door upset. I layed him back down and assured him he was okay, that he was a big boy. 3 minuteds later he was bawling for me. So I grabbed my knitting and went and layed next to him. He was nervous for sure, but not too much. He didn't toss and turn and talk or even try to get out. He simply layed there watching me knit. Exactly 30 minutes later he was fast asleep. He still hadn't even rolled over or anything. I waited another 10 minutes and I left the room. I convinced Luis he was oksy and safe and he came in to check on him. Poor guy was up every hour checking on him. Hunter did so well, he slept right throught till 7:45 this morning.
Now today naptime arrived. We had already been for our morning walk and play at the park so he was tired. I took him in, the shoes and sock came off and I lay him in the big boy bed. I told him softly that he must go to sleep and NOT get out, that he was a big boy now. Ten minutes went by and I hadn't heard a peep. I snuck in to peek at him and he was fast asleep, and he literally had not moved an inch from where I had lay him down.
Magically it has happened. My baby boy has become a big boy, a baby no longer. In 24 days he will be 2 years old. I watch him sleep and it amazes me, how this sweet boy has changed my life, brought me so much happiness and joy. He has grown so much from a screaming infant who did nothing but cry for months into a beautiful loving soul. He is one of my best friends. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I get to be in his life, that I get to watch him grow and learn.

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