Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ignorant People Annoy the Snot Out of Me!

Yes, yes they do. I am so sick of reading or listening to people jump to their own conclusions on something they can't possibly know the whole truth about and then judge judge judge. And then most likely the very next day post something they call 'Christian'. It drives me bananas. First, you really should not judge another persons actions I know, and I am not judging (which would be me calling these people stupid retarded self righteous pig headed ugly on the inside hypocrites, you know, if I were judging, which I am not, I am giving an opinion here people!) But come on, how intelligent is it really to read something put out by the MEDIA-and we all know how they like to spin things- that even the media states is an obvious accident, then sit there and accuse and judge. SOme people you would just like to knock down off their high horse. But Karma is a bitch, and these people just better say their prayers that it skips them on its next trip around.

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