Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rain rain go away...

Or hurry up and come and cool us off! I have been waiting all day for the rain to start, to kill off the humidity that drives me to the edge of sanity where I dangle so dangerously close to falling off. Cranky am I as I sweat with the heat wave and die pathetically of an unquenchable thirst.
The rain came. The rain was gone 15 minutes later and left the world even hotter than before.
Wicked weather proves to create a wickedly hormonal wench on the rampage. My patience for stupidity was never great and now even less as parts of my mind start to snap, the part that had tact and kept my mouth close as it should be for some things has loosened up its properly tight grip and verbal diarrhea pours out of me like a raging river to the sea, unstoppable and powerful. I anger so easily and as my haughty temper flares, the bitch in me rears her ugly head and the things that come out would put satan herself to shame.
I let a woman feel and carry the brunt of that anger today. I was shameless and remain so. Drunk of the feeling of rightful indignation led me to let a woman know exactly what is though of her and for good reason. A woman who has taunted myself and many with nast remarks and piousness. No, it is not I who should feel shame. A person such as that needs to be brought to humility, and while there are those out there who did infact find my words and terms to be arrogant and cruel need to take a second look around, from another perspective. Long have we sat back and allowed a foolish woman say her piece time and time again, cut people down, pass judgement where it was never her place to, act cruely towards those underserving it. A woman who, for no reasons but her own, is obviously bitter and resentful, obviously did not have the proper upbringing, and whose children will most likely though unfortunately grow up to resent her. One who judges everyone around her but is to afraid to point that judgemental finger at herself, to lay that unrelenting scrutizing eye on her own life and choices. So no, I have no shame for what I said. Truly I do not believe I was so terrible, not an ogre of any sort, rather an honest person who for a time may be reviewed as a witch yet so be it. It has been printed, spoken of sorts, and cannot be undone. Hopefully the point was recieved.

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