Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Great News!

The best! Raven (my cousin) is coming to town this weekend!!! I am so excited, we are great pals. Well, we used to be alot closer, but we both lead hectic lives. Today was the first time we had talked on the phone in...I can't remember the last time actually. We haven't seen each other even since Easter. I hate that she lives in Buffalo. Anyways we had a great chat, she'll be here on Saturday, and my kids are thrilled too. Gabriella is going to just love her (and vise versa) and Hunter is no longer such a putz around people he doesn't know that well, so he and her will get along great too. Austin adores her, they are best buds those two. She is great with kids. That is my awesome news. Well, that and I got a new cell phone!!! I got the LG Venusand I am in love with it-watch out world, I am getting technological on your ass!

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