Wednesday, August 27, 2008


There has been some recently. Thankfully not directly affecting me, but rather indirectly. You see, just a few months ago a couple moved in downstairs. WIll shall call them Joe and Jane.
Joe and Jane would fight every so often, the loud yelling kind of fights. No big deal, everyone goes through that stage. Then on Saturday Joe lost his cool over something small. He blew up at Jane. After a half hour of screaming at her he threatened to hit her-and then left. Jane came up to chat withmee, I went down to get her, figured she may need a shoulder and an ear. Joe came back. Jane made arrangements with a friend to go there for the night, but had to go downstairs to get her shoes and purse. We agreed if it got loud I would come down and help her exit.
It got loud. Very loud. And then I heard Joe hit her. More than once and very hard. I ran downstairs and rang the bell. He was swearing at her and hitting and she was hollering in pain. She came to the door but he wouldn't let her leave. She asked me to call the cops, I warned him I would-he didn't care, said go ahead. Cocky SOB. So I ran upstairs and dialed 911.
They came in 5 minutes, thank god, cause the moment I came back upstairs the fighting started all over again. He was arrested. He spent a few nights in jail in Lindsay. I never hated the guy. I was put off when I was talking to him a few times and he threatened to hit any kid that touched his car. But I never had anything against him. I have no respect for men that hit women. And I think he should get jail time. He is out on bail and as it turns out he has had 6 years worth of 911 calls on him, all of which were played at his bail hearing. So much against him that his bail is 10, 000 dollars and his parents had to post them selves as assurance. He can't go anywhere but to work and from work without them. I do feel he is a danger to women, he has hit quite a few and has no remorse. He is manipulative and is very good at hiding his dark side from others. He is a text book case of the guy that starts of sweet, isolates you from friends, gets your family on his side and against you, all the while you suffer emotional and mental abuse. Then the physical abuse starts. One day I would not be surprised if he killed someone.
Women beware of Barry Bryans.

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