Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The excitement builds-yay vacation!

I am so excited about leaving tomorrow! I can hardly stand myself. This will be my first trip to the US by myself (well with G too of course). I have never driven it alone, never at all actually, seeing as I always have been the passenger. This so rocks. And this is G's first sleepover trip anywhere at all, her first out of towner. I will take lots of pics and be posting them. It will be at least 3.5 hours in travel there, assuming there is no traffic, no construction and no waiting at the border. I am dropping H off to my little brother ealry tomorrow morning cause Luis has to work on a deck, but he will pick H up around lunch, so I got that all arranged. And A will be at his dad's for the weekend, he leaves tonight so that is easy peasy. Now Luis only has one kiddo to worry about as do I.
So now I have to finish cleaning the house, which really I just have to finish laundry and the kitchen and then clean the bathroom...

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